Saturday, December 28, 2019
Global Business Cultural Analysis South Africa - 6982 Words
Running head: GBCA – SOUTH AFRICA 1 Global Business Cultural Analysis: South Africa Raymond J. Landis BUSI 604-D06 LUO – International Business Professor – Dr. Stephen P. Preacher Liberty University May 13, 2011 GBCA – SOUTH AFRICA Abstract This paper will endeavor to form a comprehensive analysis of South African culture, principally for the perspective of doing business in that nation. Ultimately, the paper will point out the crucial points for US businesses to consider before committing to a multinational corporate operation in South Africa. The analysis will discourse the major elements and dimensions of South African culture; tracing them to methodologies employed by local businesses already participating in that economy.†¦show more content†¦The superimposing factor that gives South Africa such an advantage over other prospective African business environments is that it possesses of a very powerful and sophisticated vantage-point geographically. South Africa is strategically located for manufacturing and exportation into several regions globally and can be an unmitigated platform for MNC’s who may be interested in a venture within this region. The important adva ntages include regional competitiveness, combined with reduced operational costs and a significantly prominent market access (, 2011). GBCA – SOUTH AFRICA Communication Contemporary South African communication has been laboriously hewn from several social forces. Irrespective of the struggle, communication has now become the focal point of social convergence. Influenced by political, economic, and cultural components, then diffused through a history of colonization and apartheid, communication in South Africa has evolved slowly; nonetheless it is gaining strength and it is reaching a greater apex (Collier, 2005). Linguistic affiliation. There are eleven languages officially recognized in South Africa. The reasoning behind the official recognition of so many languages was to bring a greater level of equalization to the nation. Until 1994, Afrikaans was the official language, and English was also recognized.Show MoreRelatedPestle Analysis of Barclays Plc1083 Words  | 5 PagesPESTEL ANALYSIS OF BARCLAYS PLC PESTLE analysis is very useful for studying the environment in which a company operates and accessing external factors influencing the company in the markets it operates. PESTLE is the acronym for the following categories of investigation: political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental (Cheverton, 2004; Partridge and Sinclair-Hunt, 2006). 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