Tuesday, February 25, 2020
"Bullying in Schools" Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
"Bullying in Schools" - Assignment Example This conducts amounts to negative repercussions because some students end up dropping out of school while other resort to suicidal incidences. School authorities and parents are trying to curb this habit by watching their children at home and within the institutions. In this regard, bullying arises when one student intends to harm the other, victimize or provoke for self-fish interests. It is detrimental to the learners’ safety and development in the social setting since it reduces the self-esteem and study ethics. The central idea is that measures should be adopted to avoid the occurrences of bullying in learning facilities. Bullying in schools occurs in different aspects and forms, including online harassments, physical, emotional and verbal abuses. It is apparent that some bullies target their victims on electronic platforms where they harass them. This takes place on social media channels, especially between peers and classmates who interact frequently. Considering this, bullying can affect the mental health of adolescents who face harassment from peers (Langan, 2013). This is because the trauma stays with them into adulthood whenever they encounter similar treatments in their marriage lives. According to Langan (2013), the physical, emotional and verbal abuses are the prevalent forms in schools and can be performed by both boys and girls. This is because it is observed that boys engage more in physical abuses while girls use verbal and cyber harassments. This habit is also common among the popular students who take advantage of their influence to mistreat others. It happens in the presence of other students who influence the climate and the ability of the mistreatment to occur. This is because of the peer culture that makes it easy for the bullies to perform the bullying. It is also common that the different aspects of bullying normally happen during the transition periods from one stage to the other
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Who was to blame for the banking crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Who was to blame for the banking crisis - Essay Example After the Great Depression of 1930 the world economy faced a dangerous financial crisis. It all began when sky rocket property prices in the United States started decreasing and this impact soon spread all over the financial sector. The Global Financial Crisis initiated in July 2007 with the credit crunch when US investors lost confidence in the investment of mortgage property. This all compelled US investors to inject a large portion of capital into the financial market. By September 2008 the crisis got worse and hit all stock markets globally and made the market volatile. The consumers started losing confidence in properties and the stock market and were in a position of fear what could be lying ahead of them (Broman, 2012). The banking industry has seen many fiscal crises in the past, the notable one of them being the one that started in the 1930. Since then many countries have seen ups and downs when it comes to their banking industry. The most recent one of them being that in 2007; which changed the perspective of many investors and regulators. It all took one Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt for the Wall Street crisis panic to spread worldwide and affect other countries, developing or developed. The causes were smaller in person and unimportant but together, they caused huge economies to collapse and endure great loss. The reasons were as followed: On a general note, the global financial crisis began developed its roots in 2007, July, when the US investors started to lose confidence in the values of subprime mortgages, resulting in a liquidity crisis. This lead to the US federal bank adding a notable sum of capital into the financial market but nevertheless, the issue persisted such that by 2008, the stock markets around the world became seriously volatile and subsequently crashed. The Global market braced them for they feared the impending doom that approached them. Questions pertaining to the liquidity of banks, a fall in the availability of
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