Thursday, November 28, 2019
Energy Conservation Essay Example
Energy Conservation Essay Conserving energy is very important because there is a limited amount of nonrenewable energy sources available on earth such as coal, oil, and gas. If people do not conserve the nonrenewable resources we have now, there might not be any left for future generations. In addition, energy conservation is important because when nonrenewable energy sources are consumed this impacts the environment. The combustion of oil, gas, and coal in power stations produces carbon dioxide and contributes to global warming. The conservation of energy is important to the environment, future generations, every living organism, and human being on earth. The nonliving sources that contribute to energy conservation are sunlight, land, water, and precipitation. The usage of temperature and sunlight can be used for energy and lights instead of the nonrenewable resources that are being used now. Geothermal energy is generated from the earth and is a natural heat that can be used for electricity and space heaters. The way nonliving resources are sustained has a enormous impact on the living resources and their chance for survival. Many living sources need the land and water to live. Living factors that contribute or affect the problem of energy conservation are â€Å"herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and plants†. Herbivores are animals that eat plants and when energy consumption affects plants this lessens the chance of survival for herbivores. Carnivores eat other animals and if other animals are infected this lessens the carnivore’s chance for survival. Omnivores eat plants and animals and if plants and other animals die then omnivore’s chance for survival is slim. We will write a custom essay sample on Energy Conservation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Energy Conservation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Energy Conservation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Therefore, the need for energy conservation is detrimental for the survival of animals, plants, humans, and the earth. Humans can positively affect energy conservation by finding ways to conserve energy and by using renewable energy resources. One method a person could do to conserve energy is to use less electric by turning off the lights when not using them. The use of energy efficient appliances and energy efficient bulbs is another way for humans to conserve energy. Another method a person could do to conserve energy is to carpool, walk, and buy hybrid cars to save on gas. A person could conserve energy by drying, his or her clothes outside on a clothes line instead of using a dryer. The negative impact humans have on energy conservation is the over use of electricity, population growth, excess water usage, not recycling enough, high productivity, and over usage of the land. Nonrenewable energy sources are natural resources such as, gas, oil, and coal (fossil fuels) that are not replenish able. At the rate the world is using the nonrenewable resources there will not be any left for future generations and the planet as humans know it will be unrecognizable. Humans could plant more trees to replace the ones that are being cut down to conserve the natural resource. Although the government has been involved with conservation efforts and passed the 2005 energy bill, and offers assistance to low income families to winterize their homes to conserve energy more needs to be done to help energy conservation. Although, There have been several ideas and development strategies for energy conservation the technological developments have not made a big enough difference in the environment and planet. Solar panels were developed as a way to save energy because they are powered by the sun. Therefore, humans would not have to use the nonrenewable resources power the solar panels but the cost is high and many people cannot afford to purchase solar panels. Strategies need to be developed over time to incorporate the usage of renewable energy sources are the sun, wind, water, vegetation, and heat (from within the earth) to help save the nonrenewable energy sources. These renewable energy sources are renewed constantly and should be used more to conserve non-renewable energy resources. The government could be more involved in energy conservation efforts by building more energy efficient plants and offering government grants to people and companies to upgrade to energy efficient equipment and appliances. Solar panels are very expensive and if the government offered a grant or assistance to people who cannot afford solar panels this could help conserve energy too. In conclusion, the conservation of energy is important to the environment, future generations, every living organism, and human being on earth. Energy conservation is important in sustaining the environment and for future generations. The usage of the non-renewable energy sources such as oil, gas, and coal should be limited and used sparingly to help preserve the environment. The usage of renewable energy sources like wind, water, and sun should be used more to help conserve the non renewable energy sources that we have. Each individual can do his or her part to help save the environment and to conserve energy by using less energy and using energy efficient appliances.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Chinese English and Chinglish - Definition and Examples
Chinese English and Chinglish s Speech or writing in English that shows the influence of Chinese language and culture. The terms Chinese English and China English are often used interchangeably, though some scholars draw distinctions between them. The related term Chinglish, a blend of the words Chinese and English, tends to be used in a humorous or derogatory fashion to characterize English texts such as road signs and menus that have been translated literally and often imprecisely from the Chinese. Chinglish may also refer to the use of Chinese words in an English conversation or vice versa. Chinglish is sometimes characterized as an interlanguage. In Global English (2015), Jennifer Jenkins concludes that there are probably more Chinese speakers of English in the world than speakers of any other kind of English. Chinese English and China English With some 250 million Chinese people currently learning to speak English or already fluent, there will soon be more English speakers in China than in the entire British Commonwealth. . . .Since each Chinese ideogram can have many meanings and interpretations, translating Chinese ideas into English is, indeed, extremely difficult. Because of this, Chinese-English hybrid words [such as No noising for Quiet, please, and slippercrafty for treacherously icy road] are often viewed with amusement by the rest of the English-speaking world. Nevertheless, this abundance of new words and phrases, unlikely as it may seem, is one of the prime drivers of the globalization of the English language.(Paul J. J. Payack, A Million Words and Counting: How Global English Is Rewriting the World. Citadel, 2008)On a theoretical level, China English is distinguished systematically from Chinese English, Chinglish, Pidgin English, etc. China English is understood as a standardizing or standardized variety in us e in China, which reflects Chinese cultural norms and concepts. Chinese English refers to varieties of English used by Chinese learners (see Kirkpatrick and Xu 2002). Hu (2004: 27) puts China English at one end of a continuum where lowly Pidgin English or Chinglish is at the other. China English is a language which is as good a communicative tool as standard English, but one which has important Chinese characteristics.(Hans-Georg Wolf, Focus on English. Leipziger Universittsverlag, 2008) Examples of Chinglish Speaking both English and Chinese in ones sentences.Example of a sentence in chinglish: At K-mart, I buy hen duo clothes.(A. Peckham, Mo Urban Dictionary. Andrews McMeel, 2007)Fortified by an army of 600 volunteers and a politburo of adroit English speakers, the [Shanghai Commission for the Management of Language Use] has fixed more than 10,000 public signs (farewell Teliot and urine district), rewritten English-language historical placards and helped hundreds of restaurants recast offerings. . . .But while the war on mangled English may be considered a signature achievement of government officials, aficionados of what is known as Chinglish are wringing their hands in despair. . . .Oliver Lutz Radtke, a former German radio reporter who may well be the world’s foremost authority on Chinglish, said he believed that China should embrace the fanciful melding of English and Chinese as the hallmark of a dynamic, living language. As he sees it, Chinglish is an endangered species that deserves preservation.(Andrew Jacobs, Shanghai Is Trying to Untangle the Mangled English of Chinglish. The New York Times, May 2, 2010)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nature vs. Nurture in Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nature vs. Nurture in Intelligence - Essay Example He went on to analyze biographical dictionaries and encyclopedias, and became convinced that talent in science, the professions, and the arts, ran in families. This suggestion became know as eugenics, "the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or repair the racial qualities of future generations, either physically or mentally." Galton wanted to speed up the process of natural selection, stating that: "What Nature does blindly, slowly, and ruthlessly, man may do providently, quickly, and kindly". Galton was convinced that "intelligence must be bred, not trained". Such arguments have had massive social consequences and have been used to support apartheid policies, sterilization programs, and other acts of withholding basic human rights from minority groups. In the heyday of eugenic IQ testing in the 1920s there was no evidence for the heritability of IQ. It was just an assumption of the practitioners. Today that is no longer the case. The heritability of IQ (whatever IQ is!) is now a hypothesis that has been tested - on twins and adoptees. The results really are quite startling. No study of the causes of intelligence has failed to find a certain and often substantial heritability. What varies from study to study is the amount that can be attributed to heritability. Evidence in favour of "nurture" "Give me a dozen healthy infants & my own specific world to bring them up in, & I'll guarantee to take any one at random & train him to become any type of specialist I might select - doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant, chef & yes, even beggar & thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors." - John B. Watson, 1924 This was a famous quote in the heyday of behaviorism, when the child was considered to be a 'tabula rasa' (blank slate) onto which anything could be sculpted through environmental experience. This would be a 100% environmental view, but virtually no psychologists would accept such an extreme position today. So, what can we say about nature vs. nurture as causal determinants of intelligence A conservative, seemly safe position is that: "In the field of intelligence, there are three facts about the transmission of intelligence that virtually everyone seems to accept: 1. Both heredity and environment contribute to intelligence. 2. Heredity and environment interact in various ways. 3. Extremely poor as well as highly enriched environments can interfere with the realization of a person's intelligence, regardless of the person's heredity" (Sternberg & Grigorenko, 1997, p.xi). 4. Although most would accept a causal role of genetics, the exact genetic link and how it operates is very far from being understood - another point that most psychologists would agree on. It is certainly not a single gene, but a complex
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